About Us

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Our Professional Team

Our Mission
Responsibly connecting worldwide talent with Canadian business opportunities

Our Vision
Pre-eminent firm in immigration that integrates foreign capital and labour into Canada with reputable enterprise

Fiducia is Latin for “trust” or “confidence”. Who we are is found in our name. In the field of temporary foreign workers we wish to combine honest, trustworthy and compassionate employers with hard-working, disciplined and determined employees. Both employers and employees can confidently place their trust in our hands knowing that we will safely consider their expectations and needs.

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Our Background

We originate from the intersection of law and business. From personal experience we have seen the demand for workers and entrepreneurs from around the world multiply exponentially in recent years. Some in the industry have been prepared to jeopardize the health, both financial and physical, of temporary foreign workers arriving in Canada.

We believe it is in the long-term interest of both employers and employees within the field to be ethical and look out for the interests of both. We need to be prepared to vouch for our employers just as much as we vouch for our employees. This approach applies equally to the field of investment and entrepreneur immigrants.

We have connections throughout the province of Ontario with industries and opportunities that not only will secure permanent resident status for the individual, but also provide long-term growth, wealth and success for those interested in pursuing a life in Canada. We are convinced that fair and reasonable treatment leads to much greater chances of success.

Meet Our Team

For employees

Doug Bryce

President View Profile
For employees

James Morgan

Vice-President View Profile
For employees

John Veldman

Treasurer View Profile