For Investors

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Invest in Long-Term Growth

Canadians understand that there are citizens of other countries who wish to secure permanent resident status in Canada with a view to citizenship. There are numerous ways to achieve citizenship, including through the investment/entrepreneur programs established at both the Federal and Provincial levels. These programs are designed to attract successful, business-minded people to Canada who will invest their time, money and energy in order to achieve long-term growth for themselves and the country.

Fiducia has an extensive understanding of these programs, together with a network of connections within Canada’s investment and business communities. This combination is intentionally designed to lead to permanent resident status for our clients, together with future economic security and success.

View Investor FAQs
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Investor Programs

For employees

C11 Entrepreneur Visa

A C11 entrepreneur visa arises out of a Federal program that requires an individual to invest in and operate an existing Canadian business or start a new one as a path to permanent residency.

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For employees

Federal Programs

A number of Canadian Federal immigration programs exist to permit business owners and executives to immigrate to Canada as investors in the country.

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FAQs for Investors

A non-Citizen or permanent resident of Canada may obtain permanent resident status through an economic investment if they expand their home business into Canada, invest in an existing Canadian business, or start a new business in Canada.

For those expanding a business into Canada under an intra company transfer visa, or for those who wish to invest in a Canadian business or set up a new one under the Federal entrepreneur stream, or owner-operator LMIA, no minimum investment is required. Under other Federal programs or under Ontario's business-oriented nominee program, an investment of between $200,000.00 and $800,000.00 is required.

A business must be up and running for a prescribed period of time with certain defined investments prior to securing permanent resident status. Investors will often be required to reside in Canada for a minimum period of time and have a certain minimum net worth.

It will be necessary to expand a business into Canada, invest in a Canadian business, or set up a new business to qualify and gain a path to permanent resident status.

In certain cases there are requirements to hire Canadian citizens and/or create jobs, and for you to be resident of Canada for a minimum period of time.

There are extensive business opportunities that exist in Canada in countless industries.

Depending upon the program under which you invest in Canada permanent resident status may be granted in a relatively expedited timeframe, whereas in other cases the application will take a number of years.

Should you require more information or wish to discuss your options and how we may be able to assist, please do not hesitate to contact Fiducia.

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