Temporary Foreign Worker Program

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About the Program

For employees

The Canadian Government permits some foreign nationals to work in Canada on a temporary basis provided conditions under the Temporary Foreign Worker Program are satisfied. Typically, these jobs are lower skilled and labour intensive. An employer interested in hiring foreign workers on a temporary basis must prove that they are needed and that no Canadian citizen or permanent resident is prepared to do the work. This is accomplished through what is called a Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA).

Once an LMIA is approved by the Government, a foreign worker can apply for one of the available jobs. Once hired, the worker applies for a work visa and permit. Accompanying the application will be a copy of the worker’s passport, a resume, education diplomas and any other document the Canadian consulate requires. The worker will then undergo a medical examination and visa interview.

The final step, once approved, is to travel to Canada with work permit and visa in hand.